Friday, 20 May 2011

Crocodile Tears - Chapter 17: Wolf Moon

Yeesh this was an intense chapter. This is when Alex is invited to have supper with Desmond McCain and it is revealed that he is definitely not the perfect, charity-giving man he is presented as.

Something I have to say before I get on to that bit though: when Alex is taken out his tent and guided to dinner, the place around him sounds EXACTLY like a place I went to a couple off years ago - and I mean EXACTLY. It was a safari camp in Kenya, and seriously, every description is the same, every building in the same place as described, and the landscape identical. Now that would be so cool if it was based on the same place!

Onward! We are told that Myra Bennett will not be joining them to eat - something she seems very annoyed about, and given the fact revealed later that she and McCain have "planned" to get married later, I'm not surprised. Blimey. What would that marriage be like? Oo-er.

Alex sees a sharp knife on the table and while noone's there takes it, but I didn't expect this to work, and sure enough McCain notices and makes Alex put it back. Thing is though, I don'y know what Alex would use it for - we've seen in Scorpia that he's not prepared to kill anyone, and I don't see what else he'd use it for, unless escaping from something.

McCain starts his stereotypical "I'm a misunderstood evil guy speech", and Alex made me lol when he said, "I suppose you want to take over the world". He's so used to guys wanting to do this that it's just an unoriginal ambition now. Also kind of made me think of The Pinky and the Brain. Now that was annoying. McCain admits that he had his boxing competitor killed - buy a man called The Gentleman:I TOLD YOU SO, I SAID IT WAS THAT GUY! ASTUTE OR WHAT??? He goes on to say how tragic his past was, how he was bullied at school (Herod Sayle much?) blah blah.

Again, I don't want to criticise Horowitz because I think he's a fantastic author, but I mean the fact that this villain has reminded me of two previous villains from this series can't be a good thing. I said a while ago that I thought it must be some kind of trick on Horowitz's part, but now I'm not so sure. McCain's evidently up to something bad, and he's still too similar to bad guys we've seen before. Surely there's not enough time for there to be a huge twist.

McCain wanted to be rich from a young age, because this is one of the only ways you can gain respect, so this has been his life's work since boxing and getting out of prison. Now he reveals that he's planning something. Something that will kill millions. And what happens will be because of Alex.



Last chapter when Bennett and Alex were in that aeroplane and they flew over the crop field, Bennett got Alex to pull a lever and it would spray the field. That must be it. Without realising he sprayed some kind of deadly poison onto the fields which loads of people will eat, right? McCain and Bennett know how to make Alex suffer: by making him do something awful to other people withou realising.

Seriously unprepared for this.

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