Sorry for the silence yesterday! I'm into exam period now and it's not going too well, let's just put it that way! Anyhoo, back on track today with Chapter 14, which saw some interesting progressions!
It opened with Harry Bulman. Dammit I thought he'd been disposed of =/ yeah he's only gone and told Desmond McCain and Leonard Straik about all Alex's MI6 work and now they know about him and are suspicious of his two meetings with them (the first in Scotland, the second in Greenfields, obvs). Well that's not good. We find out that, of course, he was offered a lot of money for the info and it was by no means surprising that he decided to tell them - even though there's a chance MI6 would find out. Doesn't make much difference anyway, as he asked for more money and so McCain shot him. Ah well. No great loss.
Shall we talk about McCain for a bit? We were told right at the beginning that he's supposedly a 'reformed boxer/politician/criminal' and that he converted to Christianity whilst in jail. Don't mean to be a traditionalist, but I'm pretty sure Christians aren't supposed to shoot people. Just saying. So what's up with him then? I mean, he's supposed to be this good charity man, but he obvs isn't. I've said before that he seems like Damian Cray from 'Eagle Strike' (the fourth book) but that he must be something different, but Straik himself wonders what's going on in McCain's head at one point, and Cray was definitely unhinged, so maybe they're more similar than I thought.
I would also like to say that I just remembered about that first chapter! I'd completely forgotten about it in the light of all the drama that's happened to Alex, and I'm wondering what's going to happen with that. It's not like Horowitz to have something like that completely unrelated, so I wonder. I vaguely remember him saying at the end that a charity called First Aid got there almost instantaneously. That's McCain's charity, and seeing how dodgy he is, I think that he had something to do with the explosion, so knew it was going to happen and could prepare for it. I have absolutely no idea why but that's my theory. If you've read it don't laugh if I'm waaaay off!
Back to the chapter though, McCain has some sort of plan to lure Alex to them so they can have a Q&A themselves (see what I did there...?) but we don't find out what it is which is very teasing.
Instead, the POV changes to Blunt and Mrs Jones who are discussing the whole business. Can't remember if I mentioned a few chapters ago that Alex nicked this test tube from Straik's table, but he got it tested by MI6 and they found it was kind of like mushroom soup: completely harmless, but at worst you might get indigestion if you ate it... But it must be more than that because they were making 500 gallons of it and OMG I'VE JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING AS I'M WRITING THIS!! Remember that charity of McCain's? Ok so maybe this liquid is really for eating, and they're going to hand it out to all the thousands of people who need it after a natural disaster and - I don't know, but it could give them all indigestion?? Why? Well that's my theory then. Woo two theories in one post, this is going well!
So Blunt and Jones don't know the significance of this stuff but they wonder if it's got anything to do with the whole GM crops stuff that Straik's in charge of. But then Blunt says something that makes me hate him forever: "As usual, Alex has done an extremely good job. We really are going to have to make sure we recruit him full-time after he finishes university". OH NO YOU DON'T! DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU'VE DONE TO THIS BOY??? Good grief. Also, he says, "after he finishes university" and that's a bit presumptive don't you think? It's like he's already planned out Alex's life when he's only fourteen! Then he goes and makes it worse by saying, "We've treated him badly in the past, but perhaps we could sent him a a brief thank you. And maybe we should enclose a bag of sweets".
You absolute asshole.
Wtf is wrong with this man?? He's in my bad books now. I'm sirius.
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