Hello to whoever might be reading this charming blog! I'm finding it strange not knowing who will be reading this, but also quite cool. I should probably start by saying why I'm doing this.
I'm currently studying English Literature in University and so read an insane amount of books. Seriously. I've read like 12 in the last 3 months and that's a lot even for me! Lots of the time when reading I suddenly think of a link to another book I've read which doesn't relate at all to what I should be thinking about, and often I forget these as I progress through the novel. This is a way for me to say what I think about the books in a personal rather than 'literary' way, and also if I'm lucky to entertain people with my wierd ways and often far-fetched theories and connections.
One thing I should mention: I am an INSANE Harry Potter fan. It is one of the most prominent features of my life and I have long held a desire to meet JK Rowling. Because of this, probably the majority of my connections and links will be related to the Harry Potter series... mainly because I can't really say that Paradise Lost can be compared to Harry Potter in my seminars as all the literary types might eat me. But I can prove that the series is actually good literature rather than just popular children's fiction here. So yeah, you will soon see how slightly obsessed I am with Harry Potter and maybe even come to love it too if you don't already (and if you don't, what is wrong with you??)
I don't really know how often I'll do new posts... just go with the flooow... But yeah, I'm starting with The Iliad by Homer - heavy going I know, and not my own choice of book, but I'll power through and find something interesting to comment about here!
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