Tuesday 15 May 2012

Upcoming reading

I have finished my second year of Uni! This is not a good thing. I can't believe I only have one year left.

However, it does mean that I now have time to read some books for pleasure: books I actually want to read!! This is going to be so awesome!

To celebrate my first day of freedom, I went shopping, and bought three new books. So here is a rough list of books that I shall be reviewing forthwith.

The Mirror Cracked From Side to Side - Agatha Christie
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
The Daydreamer - Ian McEwan
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald

And my cousin is urging me to read the Divergent series, and I cannot resist Young Adult Fantasy (as long as there are no vampires), so I may well be adding those to the list in due course........

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